Second Grade Scoop May 19th-2 week edition

It is hard to believe that we are down to our final weeks of the ’18-’19 school year! Many fun activities will keep us busy these next couple of weeks!

A few notes...

We are heavy into end-of-year assessments at this point. So far, we've done MAP and I am excited to say that the kids did amazing! I am astounded by the growth made by the entire class and I'm so proud of the hard work each child has put into this year. I am excited to share the results with you soon!!!

Please return your permission slips for our last field trip if you haven't done so.

If your child still has books from the school library, please have him/her turn them in as soon as possible so the library can take inventory. Also, please check your bookshelves for books that go with our classroom library as well. Thank you!

What's coming up?
Tuesday, May 21st – NDLC Family Fun Night from 6-7 pm at the NDLC Playground - Come join us in celebrating a great school year! Socialize with other families, play on the equipment, have a few snacks, and learn about the summer library program. Bring up to ten books to swap if you'd like!

May 24th and 27th-No School
May 29th - Kaukauna History & Government Field Trip

Curriculum Updates –

We will continue to wrap our writing and reading units through the study of nonfiction. Students will working on a new topic book club and are beginning to prepare to share their learning utilizing Google Slides. In writing, they are working on an all about book teaching what they have learned about matter. We'll take our last unit test in math on Tuesday and will take the end-of-year math test later this week. 

It is sure to be a fun-filled, quick week!



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