Second Grade Scoop November 19-23

Thank you for making the time for conferences and bringing your child with you. We hope you found benefit in having students be an active part of the meeting - they did a great job! If you have any follow up questions or thoughts, please feel free to contact us.

Our Veterans Day program is on Monday, November 19.  As a reminder, students are asked to wear blue 
pants/blue jeans and wear red or white (or both) tops. Students should report to Gym A at 5:40pm and will be 
dismissed from the gym after the show. Mrs. Krueger has put a lot of time and effort into this first ever Veteran’s 
Day program so hope you enjoy!

On Tuesday we will be practicing our school safety drills.

What's coming up?

Monday, November 19 - Veteran’s Day Program (6 - 7pm)
Wednesday, November 21 - No School
Thursday, November 22 - No School (Happy Thanksgiving!)
Friday, November 23 - No School
Tuesday, December 11 - No School
Thursday, December 13 - Family Night (PJ’s and Publishing)

Curriculum Updates

STEAM - Students will need a shoebox for an upcoming lesson. Can you please send in with your child before the November break (Nov. 20th)

Reading - We continue our study of nonfiction text. Students are focusing on ways to help them decode and understand keywords in their books by noticing boldface print, reading text boxes, and using a glossary.

Writing - Students are working on developing their nonfiction books about topics that they know a lot about. We have looked at all parts from the lead to the conclusion and now have a checklist tool to help remind us how to make our books better.

Math - Our practice with 2 digit by 2 digit addition problems continued this week by using various strategies learned. We are also counting coins, focusing on dimes, nickels, and pennies. Feel free to have your child show you how they can count by 10’s, 5’s, and 1’s as well as a combination of the three. (i.e. I have 3 dimes, 2 nickels, and 4 pennies - how much money do I have?)

Content - Ms. Zobel’s class is finishing up their water unit and Mr. Skurr’s class has wrapped up geography. After the break, students will switch teachers for Science/Social Studies so we hope they enjoy this new opportunity.

Have a great Thanksgiving and time with family and friends!
Mr. Skurr and Ms. Zobel


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