Second Grade Scoop January 14-18

It's hard to believe this Friday marks the end of the first half of the year. The time has gone by so quickly.
Students have made so much growth this year! We completed our reading MAP last week and will be
taking the math MAP test this week. Mr. Skurr's class will be testing on Tuesday and Ms. Zobel's will be
on Wednesday.

January 18th -  Early Dismissal (11:30am)
January 21st -  No School
January 22-25th-Celebrate NDLC Week-Details coming soon!
January 22nd - Family Night
January 24th -  Family Night
**Details on Family Nights to becoming soon!
January 29th-Fieldtrip to the PAC to see Charlotte's Web-Permission slips and money due January 21st
See below for information regarding ordering a yearbook. This information has also been posted on the
New Direction's website:

Curriculum Updates:

Reading-We are getting to know our characters in our realistic fiction books by previewing the text to get
our minds ready to read, making predictions based on what we think will happen in the story, and
revising our predictions as we go. We're also noticing if the books we are reading have the same
character and how that can help us predict.

Writing-We've begun to write our realistic fiction stories! We spent some time developing our character,
drawing what he or she looks like, and what kind of person he or she is (likes, disliskes, family, etc.). We
placed our character in different settings and gave them a trouble. Now we need to add details and have
our character solve their trouble. Students have been very motivated to write about their new friends.

Math-We did some more with with money and added quarters and dollars to the mix. We also started
solving 2 digit subtraction problems. We will learn many strategies for solving these types of problems,
and the standard algorithm will eventually be taught.

Ms. Zobel's class-We explored how seeds travel this week. Students enjoyed making their own seeds
Mr. Skurr's class-Our discussion this week focused on community and diversity, and then understanding the purpose of government related to those terms.


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