Second Grade Scoop January 7-11

Students did a great job this week of getting back into the school routine. This coming week will be a busy one as we start new units in Reading, Writing, and Math. We will also be doing MAP testing for Reading on Tuesday (Skurr) and Wednesday (Zobel), taking a mid year Math assessment, and completing a Spelling inventory. This information helps us track student progress and lets us know in what areas and skills to provide more support.

Upcoming events:
January 18th -  Early Dismissal (11:30am)
January 21st -  No School
January 22nd - Family Night
January 24th -  Family Night
**Details on Family Nights still being determined**

Curriculum Updates

Our new unit in Reading focuses on fiction text. So far we have discussed why we read fiction - to laugh, to relax, and to help us learn how to be better people. We will be exploring elements of fiction like characters/traits, setting, problem,solution, and lessons learned.

Coinciding with the reading unit, our new Writing unit will be on realistic fiction. Students will be first learning to generate ideas for fiction stories by starting with a main character and thinking of a problem that character will have based on books students have read as well as students’ personal experiences.

Unit 4 in Math will start by exploring money with a focus on quarters and dollars. This coming week we’ll also start working on 2 digit subtraction problems.

This week, students engaged in discussions about expected and unexpected behaviors. Expected behaviors are safe, respectful, responsible, kind, and help make others feel good, while unexpected actions have just the opposite effects. Feel free to use the expected/unexpected behavior phrases with your child at home.

Up next in Science, Ms. Zobel’s students will be looking at Plants and Mr. Skurr’s students will be learning about Government.


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