Second Grade Scoop April 1st

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up! The 7th Annual Knowledge-A-Thon will be held on Friday, April 5th. All of the 
proceeds go back to NDLC! The evening of April 5 from 6:00-8:00 there will be a celebration dance.
The theme this year is We Are Out of This World! Please see the dress up days below:
April 1-Alien Day or wear green
April 2-Dress like a "star" (movie star OR star in the sky)
April 3-Dress Unique
April 4-We are out of this world with SMARTS-Dress like a KAT question or cat
April 5-Galaxy Day-2nd grade wears black
Upcoming Events:
April 17th - Early Release 11:30am
April 18th - 22nd - No School

Curriculum Updates:
Writing-In our new unit, we are writing about reading. Students are writing letters to express their thoughts about 
characters from fiction books that they know a lot about.

Reading-In going with the new writing unit, students in reading are picking out some fiction characters and reading different books with that same character so they can be experts. Students are being challenged to think why a character says/does things and then predicting what that character might do next.

Math-We have finished the unit on graphs and time. Telling time to the nearest 5 minute markers was the expectation so that’s always helpful to practice at home, as well as asking students to identify if the time is a.m. or p.m. Our next unit will be focused on arrays, equal shares, and adding/subtracting lengths.

Word Study-Our next Fundation unit is on the long ‘a’ sound made using the vowel teams ‘ay’ and ‘ai’. So far we are thinking that if the long a sound is at the ending of the word (tray, sway, pay), it looks right to use ay - if it’s in the middle of the word (paint, brain, train), ai looks right. Maybe you can find an exception to our rule??

Content-The classes will wrap up their current units of study (Skurr - Kaukauna history, Zobel - animals) and then switch teachers again. It has been a great opportunity to work with all 2nd grade students through switching classes for Science and Social Studies units.


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